Monday, 22 January 2018

Happy when things go wrong

Hi Stashers.  How are you all doing out there is craft land?

A bit of a story time today.

Today I got inspired by a make from a lady named Marianne (sorry I don't have her surname), so I thought I would try casing her make.  I knew without thinking that I wanted to use the Painted with love DSP and having roughly worked out the basic measurements, that I wanted to use 12x12" card.

I had chocolate box in my head so I went with Early Espresso 12x12"card and gold foil sheet to set off the painted love DSP I had chosen to use.

I figured I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing so I set up the camera, having decided to video the process for my group.  Remember, I had never made one of these before and I wasn't following a tutorial.

All of the cutting for the Early espresso bits was straight forward, but I had made a small miscalculation to my measurements that I wouldn't notice till later.  (I had wanted the front lip of the box - top and bottom to stick out a quarter of an inch more.)

I made a few mistakes when cutting the dsp and as a result, wasted some.  Also, the dsp on the insides needed to be bigger than I cut them so that they went more edge to edge (hind sight is wonderful lol)

When my youngest got home from school he thought it was great, but I explained that I had made a lot of obvious mistakes.  He asked why I wasn't upset about it (I can be a bit of a perfectionist when looking at my own makes and can always find faults.)  So I told him that I learned a lot today.  I learned that some times I need to plan more.  Some times I need to slow down (most mistakes came from being over eager and rushing) and I learned how to make something I didn't know how to until today.

Most of the crafters I know are critical of their own makes. I'm trying to learn how to appreciate what I learned from the process.

Some how I don't think I will be putting that video up any where lol  I will try again at some point.  The box is a cute size and if you don't go crazy with the layering, you could probably make this out of one sheet of 12x12 card and one sheet of dsp.

As some of you may know, I'm currently working on a BAMP (Build A Mini Project) which is an eight week course teaching you how to make a mini album.  It is great for both beginners and those who have crafted before.  This will run throughout February, so watch this space for more information.

I guess I should go clean up the craftamarth of making my box.  Chat to you all soon.

Ny x

P.S  The "Create your own background challenge" is still running at the time of typing this.  Just click on "Current Challenge" in the side bar to find it xx

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